8 Things People With Hidden Depression Do

Though public understanding of depression has improved somewhat over the years, we as a society still frequently misunderstand or overlook depression and its symptoms. Because of the continuing stigma, we don’t always recognize when people in our lives are struggling with this illness. Worse, too many people go undiagnosed because of erroneous assumptions about how depression…

Helpful Things to Say to Someone in Pain

Supporting someone in chronic pain can be difficult.  There is nothing that can be done to ease someone’s pain and sometimes, it leaves friends and family at a loss for words. There are no magic words or actions, but there are suggestions for things to say that could possibly help your loved one feel better.…

6 Steps to Treating the Pain of a Breakup

We all know that hearts don’t really break, but it can be hard to believe it when a relationship is ending. Not only can you feel a physical pain in your chest, where your heart seems to be cracking, but also you probably feel plenty of other pain as well—your head, stomach, maybe your whole…

Can Everyday Hassles Make You Depressed?

Do you sweat the small stuff? When it comes to pinpointing the source of our woes, we tend not to think too much about the little hassles of everyday life; after all they’re just little hassles, nothing compared to the big stuff. You’re late for a meeting, you run out of biscuits or you get…