8 Things People With Hidden Depression Do

Though public understanding of depression has improved somewhat over the years, we as a society still frequently misunderstand or overlook depression and its symptoms. Because of the continuing stigma, we don’t always recognize when people in our lives are struggling with this illness. Worse, too many people go undiagnosed because of erroneous assumptions about how depression…


EXTROVERTS ARE OUTGOING AND INTROVERTS ARE SHY, RIGHT? NOT EXACTLY. TRULY UNDERSTANDING EACH PERSONALITY TYPE—AND WHICH ONE YOU ARE—CAN HELP YOU MANAGE A VAST RANGE OF EXPERIENCES. Here is something that hit me recently: For a long time, I had a certain idea about what makes an introvert or an extrovert. I had always thought…

Psychological Gender Differences

Though we would like to think males and females are fairly similar (except for the obvious physical or reproductive differences), we know that there are fundamental psychological differences. These differences do not mean that one sex is better than the other, but it does mean that your partner may gain a unique perspective, hold a…

8 Ways You Can Tell That It’s the Right Time to Quit

It will surprise no one that the “right time” question is the one everyone always asks me about Mastering the Art of Quitting. Imagine how easy and unstressed life and decision-making would be if there were a foolproof formula, a one-size-fits-all strategy for knowing absolutely and positively when to bail on something—a relationship, a job, a…

The One Emotion That Really Hurts Your Brain

Being told you’re wrong when you’re wrong may make you a more knowledgeable person, but not necessarily a happier one. Even if you’re not the kind of person who needs to have the last word in a debate, you may still feel a sting when someone else points out your errors. The pain can be…

‘Dont Share’ Secrets Men keep.

He Has Cold Feet Men often have a harder time picking up on subtle relationship cues — and because of this, men may not be aware of the point in which your bond has moved to a higher expectation of commitment. In fact, some guys get anxious about becoming attached, even if they seem to enjoy…

Psychological differences between men and women

Recent researches, psychology and biology have pointed out many differences between men and women that can help us understand them both in a better way. Sometimes the main reason communication problems happen between men and women is that they don’t quite understand the differences between themselves well. Had men and women understood their psychological and…

27 Signs of a Good Relationship

We’ve all asked ourselves the same question at least once in our life: “Is this relationship going the way I want it to?” Finding someone unique, someone who stands head and shoulders above all those who came before can be an exciting prospect. It’s all too easy to cling to the hope that the special…